Hi Marty
I would have emailed you but can't find your email address on post.
If you want some AZ chips as traders (I have Gila River, Buckys, Cliff Castle and Harrah's Ak-Chins ~~ $1.00 - $2.00 - and $5.00's), I'd take 10 x $1.00 chips and 2 x $5.00. (total of $20 from Paradice for $20 AZ's - your choice of casinos and denominations.)
I also have a limited # of Paradise - Ft Yuma.
The link below to my website and if you go to the AZ pages, you can see what these chips look like.
I can't advise you on "how many" to bring, but for myself, I have pre-arranged dozens of "convention trades"... we already know what we'll be trading ~ thus reducing some of my guesswork.
If interested in trading some Paradice for AZ chips... let me know!
Also- anyone else who has an interest in trading between $1 - $20 of "your local chips" for Arizona chips, PLEASE LMK!!!! If we discussed this a few weeks ago and we have a "trade pending", your chips are already pulled and ready to go. I will email everyone towards end of week to confirm our trade/ details.