I've had these great Idaho crest & seals around for years now. I was getting ready for the convention and packing up the few traders I have left of the set when I realized something I had never noticed. There is another version of the light blue! Compare the chips in the scan; the one at right definitely has a different lettering style to go along with the slight difference in color (the scan exagerated the color difference somewhat). I have a few of these lighter blues, and I always assumed they were just the faded, used versions of the other chip, until I looked more closely today and realized they were different chips that all had the "thicker" lettering (okay, so it only took me 4 years to notice!). I don't know if they were part of the same original order, or maybe a later "fill". All examples of the blue chips I have are used, so they could have been made at a later date to account for the "walkers" back in the 1930s! I will have these, as well as a limited number of the other colors, along with me at the convention. (Yes Rich, I've already set aside the best looking one for you.) steve