Mike - I purchased Checkmate and I would be happier with it if I had gotten it when I only had 100 chips. I didn't buy it until I had so many, the manual process of data entry is TERRIBLE as my largest problem is having to look up EVERYTHING as I go along in an attempt to enter everything (year of issue, TCR or BLACK's numbers - ummm... sometimes I even need "help" with the description or COLOR
since I'm never sure WHAT THEY EVEN CALL A COLOR sometimes. *rofl".
I am on chip 1297 and I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN STARTED. I think it'd be a great program for someone who does it before the task becomes too overwhelming to handle - especially for the money. One thing that is neat is that I can scan a chip, temporarily save it on my hard-drive... add the pic to the entry and DELETE the orignal file/ scan and Checkmate keeps it SOMEWHERE (haven't figured out where though!) so I don't have to keep all those scans after they have been added to the record.
Funny you asked - JUST MOMENTS before I logged in I was thinking about posting about this software to see if there was anyway to "share" data and have or add preloaded files in a batch? Anyone know?