Hey Allen,
Thanks for the comment! There are a several ways I make the UV images. One way is by using a UV light and an Intel Play QX3 Microscope (of course in a dark room... ). The Intel Play QX3 Microscope connects to a computer via USB, and you can import the images into a graphic program. To make the UV image a little easier to see, I also turn the image to grayscale, and then invert the 'colors' to bring out the UV image (now shown in black...).
You can also use a video camera with UV lights - yet this means that either the video camera has a digital output (IEEE-1394 - or as Apple calls it Firewire, and Sony calls it i-link...) or the computer needs a video capture card.
There are other ways too... Yet they are more expensive... The Intel Play QX3 is ~$100.
I hope this helps...