My last post is being weird... I can't pull it up so not sure if anyone else can either...
I WAS NOT accusing anyone of dogging Lynn... I was more worried about that silent "yet" I for some reason "thought" that frequently occurs in similar threads. (where the auction information is incorrect and suddenly it becomes all about the "sellers lack of integrity...") I KNOW that hadn't happened (here... yet?? BUT I CAN'T HELP THINKING IT... SORRY!!!). I just hated to see it go that way BASED ON THE INFORMATION I had concerning this chip going on ebay.
MY FRUSTRATION was more to present how "we" and I mean people like me... who are relatively new to the resources available to us as collectors - are stuck between trusting the information that is available to us and posting EVERY chip we plan to buy/ sell/ trade PRIOR to conducting a transaction to verify in data that is available to us??
Concerning Lynn particularly, based on our conversations and transaction, I was hoping to disperse any negative speculation PRIOR to starting and it running like wildfire...
This was "preventive maintenance based on assumption" on my part - NOT a reaction to the facts and assistance that has been graciously offered to him. I'm sorry if it appeared that I was indicating that someone HAD.
But this is prime example (having nothing to do with Lynn) how people like me can collect chips for over a decade - and STILL have to rely on books to guide us... and the books can be as misleading as our desire to know the facts.
As years go by - the chip market will probably become more stable... until then - I'll rely on "books" and the CB - and pray that if I ever make a mistake - BEFORE it manifests into a 3 day thread challenging my integrity - SOMEONE will be able to say " Hey Jill- you DID the homework - you asked questions. You looked. I looked and there was NOTHING to suggest otherwise..."
I learned something from this - if the right person doesn't hear the question - you probably won't get the right answer...