Hi Jill,
I guess I'm really confused. First off I don't understand why you feel it necessary to defend Lynn. I did not see, hear or become aware of anything that required a defense.
Lynn asked a question - I gave him an honest answer. Isn't this how we learn by asking questions???
I agree,no one can know everything. Isn't that why we share information on this board?
I feel terrible Jill. My intention was to share information. After your response I feel like maybe I should not have written anything at all.
I spend a tremendous amount of time reading evrything I can get my hands on involving Nevada history and how this history relates through chips. I take it for granted others do the same. You ask about price guides. Price guides are an excellent place to start. However, research involves much more than looking through price guides. It requires reading, going to the library, phone calls to other collectors, etc. to accumulate information. More important than accumulating information is the SHARING of information. Knowledge is no good unless it is shared with others of similar interest.
I never intended to hurt Lynn's feelings or cause you to feel you had to defend his auctions or the selling of his chips. What I wrote is true and factual. Others could have had the same information I had. All they have to do is part with $18.00 to obtain the next six issues of Chip Chat. They could also subscribe to Coast to Coast Casino Collectible Magazine. They can also pick up back issues of Fabulous Las Vegas magazines or.......... etc.etc.etc.
You see Jill research can take whatever form or depth a person wishes it too. Some depend only upon price guides; others use everything they can find at their disposal. The answer to your questions can be sumed up in one sentence.I guess it really is up to the individual on how much research they do. Best, Jim