There is another solution to the LE chase...
If collectors just want all the new chips, and have no interest in visiting the casinos who issue them (which seems to be the case for many who use chip services), let the chip manufacturers offer the chip service. Mail the collectors on their list all the new chips issued in the past month. Pay each casino a royalty per chip for the use of their name.
Everybody who wants one, gets one. No waiting or cutting in line. No inflated prices. There are always enough chips made, as the maker won't produce a limited issue of less than the number on their collector list, plus whatever quantity the casino REALLY wants for their tables.
Another alternative is for each chip maker to offer a "collector set" of all the chips they have made in the past year. This is essentially what Franklin Mint did in the 1960's with their gaming tokens.
As a collector of casino history, this would not satisfy me, as I like to visit the places I collect from. However, the LE craze has taken hold with a different breed of collectors, those who are only interested in getting all the chips issued. This would seem to satisfy their need without the hassle of ever having to visit Las Vegas.