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The Chip Board Archive 05

Re: Try Ctrl T to indent
In Response To: Try Ctrl T to indent ()

Thanks for the info. I will try it. When I took typing in school the TAB key was for indenting. It just bugs me, Why can't the software people design their software to do what people have done for decades or however long typwriters have been around? I guess that would be too intuitive. The computer manufacturers have amazingly designed their machines to look and operate like a typwriter. All the same keys and more. In some cases they have designed the keyboard to operate as a typwriter and adding machine all on the same board. It is stupid to me that MS and other companies don't take full advantage of what the hardware companies have given them. They simplify things by making you punch more keystrokes to accomplish the same simpler tasks. To use my previous example of the TAB key. As far as I know it is not used in MS Word. Therefore it can't be that they had to come up with CTRL T because the key was used for another purpose. Why CTRL T which, I might add, takes two fingers on the same hand and a good strech of the little and index fingers, if you are typing correctly, instead of your left little finger to TAB. I thought computers and their software were supposed to make things Easier, Quicker, and More Productive. Go Figure.

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Try Ctrl T to indent
Nice Button
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Re: Try Ctrl T to indent
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