My newest MS Word has an indent button on the toolbar. but as I recall WP 6.1 will allow you to hit TAB, which is something MS will not. I hate having to lift my hands off the keys to use the mouse to indent. It is so much easier with use of a keyboard key. And I don't mean having to hold ctrl and some other key at the same time.
Re: Reveal Codes. I love that one. I have screwed things up soooo bad that that is the only way to fix problems. I haven't found that on my new MS Word. Assuming it even exists. If only I could find my CD for WP 6.1 I would add it to my new notebook. But I can't find it
so I am stuck having to get used to the MS Word. Plus, as I mentioned before, there is the problem of conforming to the masses of those who you have to share with.