I appreciate your invitation and your offer to assist U.S. collectors acquire this chip (reasonably). I will probably stop by and introduce myself (if I can figure out where everyone and everything is )- I hope you don't mind as I'd like to met you - along with many, many others - and form my own opinions and relationships - OFF the computer.
But I have a question - and no sarcasm - no snide insinuations - honest... I am GENUINELY curious:
Are you willing to sell the chips at face because you are sitting on $700 in chips? AND I AM NOT BEING "crappy"... I just can't help wonder if it "stinks" having $700 in $5 chips that aren't selling very well? I wish I wasn't such a cynic, but I would be inclined to want to "recoup" my expenses myself if I had such a surplus.
AND IF they WERE still selling at $10 each + S&H, would you extend this offer?
Or would have you offered these at face - if you had only 50 left? or just 20??
Just curious... and look forward to meeting you in a few weeks...