Bob, You are back to your same old worn out argument, Maintaing that a bunch of renegades should be entitled to club privilages without being a legal part of the club organization.
I wholeheartedly disagree with the PACK organization being granted meeting space at the CCGTCC convention and I am very sorry to see you have even browbeat Archie into submission.
Even though I constantly feel like Don Quiote, with my wooden sword fighting the giant windmills, I will never give up fighting for the organization of CCGTCC which will always be a part of my heart. Even as I have to stand by day by day and see people like you constantly tearing it apart. It just seems to be the age old adage you want to hold the cake and eat it too. These people want to take every advantage of CCTGCC without standing up and saying "I am proud to be a part of CCGTCC." The attitude now seems to be just give me everything and I have no intention of giving anything back.
I will always maintain, you must be part of the organization before you are entitled to the organizations benefits.
Janice O'Neal, the old and bitter one (Thanks Don Lueders) among the original organizers of CCGTCC.