Shortage? Yea there's a shortage alright, a shortage of PIPE to pump it to the markets. We are recording RECORD Profits, ".....We've had a better than expected year...." NO SH%T! Our CEO has a way with words. Product running out our ears!
Stock price Holding, Products $WAY UP, Wages & Salaries Holding, CEO Comp 475% incr since 1999, Other board positions ??% WAY UP, Lawyers (Corp) Sal/Retaners WAY UP, Employee head count 19,000 down, Benefits down some.
Running CHEAPEST crude I've seen, Most capacity, Highest yeilds, Smallest product give-away (quality), highest prices.
Guess who benefits? A)Employees B)Customer c)Stockholders D)Distributors E) None of the above
ANSWER: WRONG IT'S F)CEO, Board & Company