Jim; The answer to both of your questions is a resounding NO! Perhaps others do not want to tackle this issue, nor to be candidly speaking about the significance of it.
I have some reservations about CCGTCC offering separate space to an independent private club that is not affiliated with CCGTCC, for their own unencumbered trading specialty purposes.. while the rest of club members who have other interests must share space in one common room to trade their chips, tokens, silver strikes, ashtrays, swizzle sticks, pinbacks, etc.
If the PACK meeting space was offered to consider affiliating with CCGTCC as a Chapter ... like the Silver Strikers did at their first meeting, I would have no objection to this arrangement.
I have nothing against Pat Lamb and her "PACK family". I know Pat and Daryl personally, and consider them to be good people.
But as the old saying goes, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" Stay independent with 102 members; get free space at the CCGTCC convention to conduct your own swap meet, and enjoy all the benefits for free that other Chapters pay dues for. I dunno,... I guess maybe it's me. No one else seems to grasp the broader implications.... which are; why have ANY CHAPTERS??
I sincerely hope that the newly elected club officers are reading this thread.