HI everyone.
There are a lot of rumors around these chips. And couple of people really stretched the truth. And some new collectors which don't know me might think negative of me. But you can ask chippers that done business with me in the past that I always made sure they were happy. And my shows are good too even though some people on here claim different. Even Pete Rizzo whom I had my differences with told me he liked the show and is looking forward too the next one. So I always offer friendship and fairness. Anyways on those MM chips i started out with 228 and have about 140 left. ANYBODY who comes to the show and introduces them selves to me can have a chip at Face Value. And people who bought them in the past can have a 10% discount no matter how big the purchase is. Limit is one chip per person.
Well see you all at the convention and I hope to meet many new chippers.