... OK gang, here's what I did. With a couple of last minute entries (Bob Orme & Ross Poppel), we ended up with 27 chip entries. That didn't work nicely with my plan to randomly distribute chippers to horses, so I will put up only 1 chip instead of two, which leaves a total of 26 entries, which were as follows:
Fred Bergman -- 1 chip
Scott Blackburn -- 1 chip
Steve Blust -- 1 chip
Todd Desnoyers -- 1 chip
Paul Donohue -- 1 chip
Mary Lou Eveland -- 1 chip
Jim Follis -- 1 chip
Jim Fredrickson -- 1 chip
Travis H. D. Lewin -- 1 chip
Tommy Leggio -- 2 chips
Doris Magiera -- 1 chip
David Markus -- 1 chip
Allan Myers -- 1 chip
Ralph Myers -- 2 chips
Bob Orme -- 1 chip
Ross Poppel -- 1 chip
Jim Reilly -- 1 chip
Mike Skelton -- 2 chips
Doug Spear -- 2 chips
Bob Stoops -- 2 chips
Bill Thompson -- 1 chip
That being the case, I was able to assign two chippers to each horse (more or less) by combining the eight long shots into four "two-horse" entries (which made a total of 13 "entries" to distribute over 26 "chippers"). This will give the players stuck with the long shots two chances for each chip, rather than just one.
I then assigned the the field by use of two piles of playing cards. One with 13, representing the horses and one with 26, representing the chippers.
I then dealt out one at a time from each deck (twice through the mini-deck, obviously) to assign chippers to horse entries, with the following caveats:
No chipper with two entries could be assigned to two pairs of long shots or to two of the top five favorites (odds of 8-1 or better).
Under no circumstances could Doc Myers be assigned Point Given. Just kidding, Doc. You didn't get him fair and square.
I will post the pool assignments in a separate message following. ----- jim o\-S