Are you talking 2 or 3 coin spinning reel slot machines? Fine, put coin in, get coin out, you won't have any trouble. Coin in keeps the hopper full.
If you're talking about what the overwhelming majority of today's slot players play, the 9 line (or more), 5 coin per line (or more) video slots, please tell be why you're in love with waiting 30 minutes or an hour for a hopper fill in a busy casino every other time you cash out? People don't use coin to play these machines. Nobody wants to drop 27 or 45 or more coins in the slot before every spin. They put in paper money, play with credits, and take out coin. They take the coin to the change booth and turn it back into paper money. The hopper runs dry frequently. Casino operating costs go up, and player enjoyment goes down. It's a silly little thing called the real world. And the money says the real world video slot players love Ticket In Ticket Out.