>>You said that personal performance should be good enough. I agree with you on that statement. It is the greedy business owners that won't respect that. That is why there are unions. Don<<
That is why there WERE unions Don. Now we have greedy unions. ...greedy unions that try to invade non-union businesses that are already treating their employees fairly. We have greedy unions that try to legislate the requirements of businesses to operate in certain regions of our country. We have an out-dated Davis-Bacon law on government contracts that inflates the cost of many taxpayer (me and you) funded projects.
When airline pilots feel that they need a union to get raises and benefits increased at well above inflation levels, not based solely in performance or seniority, we have greedy unions.
When Pro baseball and football players think they need someone to speak for them instead of letting their performance speak for them and what they're worth, we have greedy unions.