John, you entered this thread about Dean with, "I have won single chips that he had up for auction. I paid for and received the chips promptly and payed less than a dollar postage. I have bought many chips from a few club dealers in Vegas and paid $1.50 to $2.50 postage for a single chip."
That doesn't sound like joking or having a bit of fun to me. It sounds like you were defending Dean based on your positive experiences with him. It sounds like you particularly like his auctions considering how some club members rip you on postage. Maybe your humor comes across real well in person. But I didn't see any little <g>s or anything to indicate you understood who Dean is. Left unchallenged, others who know nothing of Dean may assume I'm the one out in left field, trying to damage a perfectly good dealer's reputation based on some personal agenda.
Now you've decided you know damn well he's a bum and you were just funnin' us. Well, excuse me if I'm not amused. I don't consider what Dean does funny. Or to be taken lightly. I think it's bad for the hobby. It's bad for the future value of my collection. I will speak out against it.