>All right, this has gone on long enough without my saying something. Why do you continue to refer to some nebulous "religious right?"
If you review the thread you will see that the reference to the "religous right" was part of a quote taken from a candidate, not my language. The CONTEXT of the quote is such that your criticism is entirely misdirected.
>I am a practicing Christian. Many of my political views would be viewed as conservative, or right. Therefore, I guess you would refer to ME as the media-coined term, religious right.
I don't know how I would refer to you. Before I made any kind of judgment about your political beliefs I suppose I would need to know what they were. You might describe them as conservative, I on the other hand might think you are a bleeding heart liberal.
I personally find little use for traditional media labels. I have had people call me a conservative and a liberal at the same time. The traditional two dimensional model is not a useful descriptive tool. I find this model much more useful http://www.self-gov.org/wspq.html (though I will readily admit that the quiz has a significant bias)
Of course there is in fact a "religious right" it may be neboulous, and not an organized entity, and hard to define much like the "moral majority" of years past. And much as the "moral majority" was neither moral nor a majority, the "religious right" may also be neither religious or right.