I have several postcards that have pictures of "casinos". They are older resort type buildings. I suspect they were used for amusement purposes rather than gambling as we think of it today. Or perhaps "illegal" games were run in some of these buildings.
I have scanned 2 of the postcards below. The postcards I have are:
Casino at Cape Henry, VA
Casino at Asbury Park, NJ
Casino at Underwood Spring Park, Falmouth, ME
Casino, Riverton Park, Portland, ME
Casino, Cape Cottage, Cape Elizabeth, ME
The Casino, Eldridge Park, Elmira, NY
Old Casino Arch, Narragansett, RI
The Casino, Santa Catalina, CA
Casino and Lagoon, Belle Island Park, Detroit MI
The Casino, Merrymeeting Park, ME
Casino and Boathouse, Humboldt Park, Chicago
I looked these up in The Gaming Table but found no reference to any of these.
Does anyone have any insight or information about these "casinos"
Thanks, Nate