I spent about 15 minutes with the pit boss, trying to talk him into letting the dealer sell me a set of one of each color off the table that I playing. The dealer, a friend who used to deal the French wheel at the Paris, was vouching for me, and it was still a no-go. The pit boss told me the way to get a set was to discretely remove one chip during during six different buy-ins. He told me to harvest! This was before I accidently ended up with a roulette chip in the stack of house chips that I took to the cashier. This was my first visit to the Aladdin, the wheel had gone cold, and I walked around the casino checking it out for about a half hour, then went back up to the London Club to play some more. When I sat down, the dealer asked me if I took a chip by mistake during my last session. He was motioning me to look behind him with his eyes. There stood a floorman, staring at me. He knew I was the only person that could have the missing chip and he wanted it back in the game. ...so much for the advice from the pit boss!
I just got a room comp in the mail, an upgrade from their basic room. I only played a few hours that night, and I'm far from being a whale, so they must be pretty liberal with the comps to players in the London Club. I happen to like the separate casino. It's quiet and comfortable. I'm a slob who doesn't view it as stuffy at all! <G> They treat you nice there.