Not so fast my friend!<g>
Your post stated, implied or whatever that a chips "true value" was finally being determined on ebay. I simply stated that I did not believe this to be the case. Just because collectors will not pay the price involving a chip on ebay DOES NOT MEAN the chip is not worth book or more.
A few deep pocket collectors who buy on ebay hardly determine a chips value. For every deep pocket collector who buys off ebay I can name you five who don't even have a computor.
I agree, there are fewer individuals who pay over a certain dollar amount for a chip. Howver, I disagree that they are all on ebay. Many of them still buy chips from the collectors and dealers they trust.
"Rare" like beauty is in the eye of the beholder or the person who has the knowledge <vbg>. I have heard of chips on ebay going for rare prices when they should be going for way less. I will concede the reverse is also true.
Anyway, my main point is ebay does not establish a chips "true value". So I guess it is the "only point we disagree on"
Best, Jim