Plus instead of negative feedback, you just post an individual's name on a certain page and within a few days, whichever user happens to live closest to that individual just goes by there and takes 'em out. <-THAT WAS A JOKE!
Personally, I think that if e-bay is unwilling to allow individuals, whether collectors or just "enthusiasts", to post auctions for firearms, there SHOULD be someplace that they are allowed to do so. If it's all legal and done in a professional manner then there's nothing wrong with it. It's no worse than letting these individuals go to Wal-Mart and buy a .12 shotgun and a hacksaw in the same transaction. Seeing as how there's NO WAY to trace the slug from a shotgun and there's no paperwork to file when buying a shotgun (or a hacksaw) I would much prefer these people to purchase weapons that could be traced if need be. Not that I'm saying the people on there are going to buy a gun to go out and shoot someone, quite the contrary. If you're planning on doing ANYTHING illegal with a gun, you can ALWAYS buy it in one of the "seedier" parts of the city for a VERY low price. Why would you go to an online auction house to buy one at the prices that I saw when I visited the site? I am 100% in favor of a persons right to bare arms and I think the we should ALL be allowed to wear short sleeves if we want <bg>.
Think about it, of the people you know personally that own guns how many do you actually think are capable of walking up and shooting someone without any provocation? I only know of a few at most like that. I think if you are out to harm someone, you're going to do it one way or another. Remember: GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE, THE FOOD ON THE EDR AT WORK KILLS PEOPLE!
Thanks for letting me put in my 2¢ worth, I'm sure others have PLENTY to say on the matter as well, although I would like to apologize for posting this on the CHIP Board, but someone else started it...