Armin and I have vacillated, worried, argued, agreed, disagreed and virtually gave up on the myriad of opinions, locations, molds, and descriptions of the infamous 49er, 49'r . 49 ouch chips for 25 years now. We admit....we still do not know which came from where and who pays what for whichever. All of us try to do our best, take the flak and go on to the next opinion. In 1957, I worked at three different card rooms in Anchorage and one in Fairbanks while I served some time ( a USAF punishment) in Alaska, The Civilian Club, the Forty Niner Club and one at the end of the road in Anchorage called the Eklutna (sp) as well as one called the Choogeeach phonetically, but correctly spelled the Chugach.....we dealt stud and draw, played with Silver dollars and clientele were mostly sourdoughs, Army and Air Force personnel and a bad crowd of natives introduction to gaming since I was only about 20 at the time. Never recalled seeing any chips...played with cash only. Swinging doors, sawdust, spitoons AND NO WOMEN!!!. Also played with aircrews using sign language only (too loud inside the cargo planes ) on long flights to Shemya, and all the ACW sights on the Alaskan coast....where were we...the 49r chips...I dunno..