I recently closed an auction in which the buyer decided to pay me through Pay Pal. As I am not signed up with them, I have no account in which they can place the funds but they, nonetheless, claimed to have done so.
PayPay is claiming that they paid me through my nonexistant account and it cannot be reversed. This creates an interesting dilemma as the buyer wants her merchandise for which I have not been paid, but she has paid for.
Because of PayPal's extensive application which, for me, wants information I chose not to divulge on the internet, I never completed an application. I have written them about this problem, asking them to prove to me that they have an account in my name along with proof of my opening it.
Because they claim they cannot reverse this apparent error, is reason enough for me NOT to join their service.
Anyone else with PayPal horror stories should list them here, both in the spirit of Halloween and as a way to protect others in the future.......