I am in favor of accepting casino or manufacturer ads without requiring membership. For examples, if Tropicana wanted to buy a "welcome back" ad in the magazine or program before the 2001 convention; or any of the manufacturers (Chipco, Paulson, Bud Jones, etc.) wanted to place an ad. Other examples: a distributor of chip safes; the specialty insurance company that insures collections, etc. As long as the magazine editors deemed the ad acceptable, no problem in my opinion. Call this classification of advertising "supporter" or "sponsor" advertising if you want to distinguish it.
For personal ads, there's an assumption that members are fairly representing their products/chips accurately and that the club's return privileges apply. If non CC>CC members advertise, the club member must operate on a buyer beware basis. My recollection may be wrong on this, but wasn't the requirement for member name & number instituted after someone advertised the "Winner's Circle" fantasy chips inaccurately (as a casino that was declined a license; and asking more than fantasy prices)? I don't recall if that seller was a member, or what happened, since I didn't buy from him. Ther may not have been a connection, but it is illustrative of why membership should be required for individuals offering chip trades/sales, etc.
Also, since a lot of members use a business name for their chip/collectibles company, I think it's helpful to have a personal name & number in the ad, in addition to the business name, just to make a connection to the person behind the company name.