...to put a smile on my face! <G> I'm going to make some phone calls tomorrow and see if I can get through to someone at the Paris concerning donating a set of the jetons and plaques to UNLV. ....especially the $25000 and $50000 plaques that never were on the table. As to buying the French roulette table, I don't know that we could if we wanted to. I'd be surprised if Nevada doesn't have laws concerning an open casino selling gaming equipment to the general public. I'd assume they'd have to sell it to a licensed seller of gaming equipment who could then sell it to a private group or individual taking into account the restrictions in place in the buyers home state. Gene might know differently. All of that said, I'd sure love to have that table if it isn't going to be used again in a casino! <G>
Take care Belgian Bob!
Colorado Bob :-)