I don't snipe very often, but the easiest way to do it is a few minutes (maybe 5) before the end of an auction, find the item on eBay that you're interested in, go ahead and fill in all of the spaces like you are going to bid right then all the way up until you have the "submit" button on the final screen. THEN, minimize your browser. Open (double click on the Netscape or MS IE icon) another browser, go back to the item , and hit the refresh button on that screen frequently as the time winds down on the auction. When it gets within a number of seconds from the end of the auction that you are comfortable with (this takes a little practice), maximize the first browser and hit the "submit" button. Assuming all of systems between you and the auction are functioning, you'll be able to see if the item is going higher than you wanted to bid anyway (in that case you wouldn't go back to the first browser and hit submit), and at the same time be able to see if what you want to pay has a chance of winning in the final seconds by having all of the bid info already to submit on the first browser window.
....it's easier to show someone how to do than it is to explain it.