for clarifying that...
I understand you have assigned some new letters to some HAR chips as variations... including HAR-5 's (or something.) But it is my understanding that your newest book doesn't show what that chip looks like... or am I not understanding . ???
Now the ONLY AC chips I collect are Harrah's (Marinas and HTP's)- and these variations you have "officially" determined (and your determination - of course - is official enough the majority of us ) are of great interest to me.
But even if I purchased your book - the few chips that are of interest to me... I won't necessarily find the small bit of information I am needing. PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG! I am wrong plenty! Won't bother me a bit to admit I am again.
I am asking for a suggestion or advice: where can a person confirm new variations - so that we collectors are on the "same page" so to say - simply for the reason you stated... buying / selling/ knowing which chip we are dealing with??
ESPECIALLY when we are talking 2-4 chips! Not entire cities, states or casinos...
Dave Juergens used to provide a WONDERFUL MUCH NEEDED Atlantic City resource for collectors... (in fact I got a lovely email from him today after he saw my post saying how much I missed his site
Can you share the details on the new HAR-1b, HAR-1c - and is there a d? ~ and the HAR-5_whatevers?
Sometimes we need a few bits of information - not an entire book. Any light you (or anyone) can share on the HAR's would be GREATLY appreciated.
I have over the past year culled several chips that had minor variations and am sure I have the chips that have been assigned new letters. My hope is just to use "Black's Numbers" for these chips because "Jill's Numbers" don't mean squat, do they?