First of all, you are quite welcome for the post in your defense. I hate to see that type of posting here on the ChipBoard, but it happens quite frequently, actually. These �ranters� stop by and post something without having the slightest idea what the thread is about. I, personally, LOVE �chatting� with these people� I find it very stimulating.
For the most part, as Bob says above (or below, depending how you have your threads set up), the regular contributors to the Board are civil and composed. Recently, though, some especially divisive issues have been under discussion here and many have responded emotionally in their posts � on BOTH sides of the issues. This, I think, is what the board was meant for. Of course there is a huge fount of knowledge here, as many of the best known chippers in the country (and most of the ones who have published on the subject) contribute regularly � but the emotional discussions of important issues is, for me, the compelling reason to �spend valuable time here�.
I think you�ll agree � stay with us, and don't let the "ranters" get you down.