For the past couple of years I have pleaded with the Chip Rack authors to provide their info in digital form. My own preference would be to buy a pre-loaded program like Check Mate so I can input chips by TCR number. Obviously there would be flexibility for unlisted chips, comments, etc. The BIG benefits to me would be:
1) A much easier input process
2) A digital back up. (Now if I lose my TCR which logs my collection I have a major hassle to reconstruct it.)
3) Every 2-3 years I switch to a new TCR which is a long, tedious, and error prone process.
4) My interests don't include non-Vegas chips, roulettes and LE's. I could just print out listings of chips I have, want or duplicates. This should knock about 75% of the TCR's weight.
I would be willing to pay the combined price of the TCR and the software.