Thanks, Wayne & Belinda for all your work on the past and upcoming conventions. Really looking forward to it. Also, I think John & Allan, plus Kregg and past editors have done lots of work on the magazine. I've tried to support it thru writing past articles and have 2 more in the works now.
I have attended EVERY club business meeting since the 1st convention, except for last year. And that was because I was at the Excalibur setting up for the poker tournament.
I'll miss the 2001 meeting for the same reason -- being at the Orleans preparing for the poker tournament. Having said all that...
I was the one that proposed a non-binding advisory vote during the new business section of the meeting regarding sentiments about chip slabbing. You're right it is not a majority of members voting, but would at least allow members in attendance an opportunity to give input to the new board. If an advisory vote at the annual meeting is not possible, then perhaps a show of hands at the conclusion of the educational session on slabbing?
After the dust settles from the convention and the educational session, and the articles in the current magazine have been read and digested, I DO think slabbing is an important enough topic for the board to solicit ALL members' input on the subject, perhaps via a 1-page insert in a future edition of the magazine -- a survey with several carefully thought out questions regarding slabbing. Each member completes & returns the survey, using his/her own stamp. The financial cost to the club would be minimal. If this suggestion is adopted by the new board, I will volunteer to receive and count the results if the new board need a volunteer.
This is the only way to reach ALL the members & solicit their input, via a magazine insertion. Otherwise, we will always be stuck with incomplete data with the limitation that only a few hundred (at most) frequent the BB's and less than 100 attend the annual meeting. I know we won't get all 2500 members to complete a survey, even inserted in the magazine, but at least every member would have an opportunity to voice their concerns, or support, about slabbing. (The survey could include topics other than just slabbing, depending on what other issues the new board might like input on.)
BTW, I will follow-up directly with Nate with these suggestions.