I was just commenting on what I observed at Yahoo. To answer your question I see the cheap cards with slabs. Didn't know they did it to that low end of material. Low end to me is $20 or under say. Or are these more valuable & just starting low? I start chips on ebay that I hope to get over $100 or even $300 for at only $1.00.
High end chips are the very rare ones & usually priced $1,000 or more.
People interested in the slabbed chips will be ones wanting these more expensive, as in rare, chips. That's my opinion. They will want to know what they are buying.
Nothing stops a person though from doing it with the brand new chips or older cheaper $20 & under.
That is where the slabbing fear lies. There are far more low end collectors. They don't need this "service". If like other hobbies though the high end collectors want this "service". It's all in a matter of choice.
I just can not comprehend a demand scenario to warrant this practice of slabbing low end chips. Can you imagine though if the demand is there for even the common chips, which say 2,000 are known, then all would be bought up & slabbed. I still can't see it. If it did happen though the rare chips would be very expensive & of course some would not be able to collect these. Many can't already. Medium priced say $100 to $300 chips would be driven up by the slab buyers who can't afford the high end. Isn't this already happening? It is! And the chips are not evern slabbed. Prices have risen beyond reach to the average collector. Aren't there items like this in every hobby though? Yes, there has to be.