I would like to say we all should do a little to help the others who do so much to put our magazine together & coming each quarter. The shows wouldn't be busy if not for all the advertising & work put into them. There's always lst minuter things that can be done to help.
Write an article for the magazine, get involved in a positive way. I know this is our forum here to voice our opinions. A lot of work seems to go into some posts I know some I write & re write take awhile too.
What we need is more magazine articles. Stories. I like ot hear what others collect & how long they have collected & how they got started.
Ideas on areas to improve I am sure are welcome.
The show will be here soon. It will then soon be over. We will all go home with memories let's write about them. Tell us your experiences. This input goes to all to see & read. Not just the few hundred who have time to read the board.
Steve & I really enjoy writing the "Market Report". We share information. We all gain knowledge of what is happening in the hobby as for prices set & new chip finds or additional finds that come out.