I am not being offended by you, in your post. Only the fact I at first thought it was a joke you did not know what a rarity scale was. It appears this is not & you have never once even glanced over someone's shoulder at my book.
I recall posts whereas to some extent Steve & I are blamed for getting grading companies to want to grade chips. Now if they looked at our book & this made them decide, through seeing a quality publication, that there may be a need for this as our hobby is apparently growing; is no fault of ours.
I recall you continue have had a problem with my book. All I can say is write your own on how a book should be written. Can you honestly tell me what "wrong" we have done or disservice to the hobby has come out of our book. And forget the title & the "Official" word. Apparently one of the largest book publishing companies did not have a problem with it.
Why do you choose not to even look at our book?