I've re-read my last paragraph and I am sure I didn't make it very clear what I meant to say.
The bylaws state that when a Chapter applies for a Chapter charter, they are required to submit a chapter logo if they are going to have one.
2. Chapters may be organized by making application to the Club by addressing a proposal to the Secretary, with a copy to the President, along with payment of membership dues in the amount currently designated for individual members. Such proposals shall include at least the following information:
g. a copy of the logo intended to be used by the chapter
In answer to your question...
>>>>>Can your silver strikers club officers approve artwork for a Convention Silver Strike by itself without the blessings of the National Board of Officers?>>>>>
The Bylaws again state.....
C. Rights of Chapters
1. Club chapters shall have the right to use the name and logo of the Club in such similar form as shall be approved by the Club. Any proposal to use the Club logo for items other than stationery, business cards, publications, or banners or signs to be displayed at meetings, shall be submitted to the Club Secretary for approval by the Board of Directors. No chapter shall produce or influence the production of any chip bearing the name, initials or logo of the Club or of the chapter, without the prior approval of the Club Board.
"My opinion" is that it should NOT be the CLUB Board's approval ONLY but also approval of the Chapter's officers also when a Chapter's logo is used on a chip or token. If both sides approve then it can be used. If one side disapproves then it cannot be used. (Again my opinion)