Right Jim, and I have decided to ignore Rene and his posts. One thing that sets him apart is his angry, insulting and accusing messages. Yes, we all know he's only in it for the money. Some others may buy a quantity of chips, not hundreds, but they don't promote continously and manipulate the market, nor do they seem to get into other peoples faces over every little detail or disagreement.
I can compliment Rene for running a show and making a major effort to write a book.
With that I zip my lip. ;-)
To answer the cage with old chips question, however hypothetical it is, I would buy them all or as many as I can afford and offer them at a reasonable price. In fact I have done this a number of times since I started collecting. Most of the time, I just put them on eBay and let the buyers decided what they are worth. I have had chips that I only obtained two, and one went to the club auction.
Another case I obtained 19 sets of never know before roulettes, and posted the total number of chips here on the BB. Sure it hurt the re-sale price, but at at least there was no question as to the integrity of the seller or the actual number available. (now down to 14 sets and counting)
And I can just tack on "just say no to LEs" with the same rules for myself, unless I can trade one for one, or get them at face from a friend or a casino. Hopefully the chip services and the good folks in Las Vegas can provide at a reasonable rate (as they usually do if someone hasn't hoarded them as an investment) for those who do collect LEs. No one is getting rich selling these for $7-8 each. lol