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The Chip Board Archive 04

Re: OK - Now Make Your Case Renee...

Thanks for the info . Now one of two things will happen .
1. Rene will ignor the thread .
2. Rene will claim otherwise , and State that The BB is Bull***t and will never read or Post again
(until He has Something to sell) vbg

Messages In This Thread

OK - Here is the Deal...
Rene never claimed.....
Re: Rene never claimed..... too...
Actually, it's the 2000 HR Halloween
Correct Bill - 2000!
Now you're up early grin
OT: Nice Pic of Oscar
Just for the Record....
Oscar pic
Re: Oscar pic??????
OK - Now Make Your Case Renee...
Re: OK - Now Make Your Case Renee...
Re: OK - Here is the Deal...
Re: OK - Here is the Deal...
Re: OK - Here is the Deal-PETE

Copyright 2022 David Spragg