I lived through many years of constant and irregular brownouts that last whole night, a day or two. The disruptions in the family relations, the tension and crisis sort situation within the family, the nerve wrecking feeling among the parents and the elders to tow the younger siblings, the dogs and the cats.
Flaslights were on hand just in case the brownout would come in the middle of a dinner. Gas lamp and candles with ready to light matches side by side on certain stragetic locations in the house. Once the candles were lighted the dogs and cats were put on leash, they loved to play with the "flickering lights of the candle" very especially the cats.. There were one or two houses got burned.
Can you imagime studying, reading or doing homework with the flickering of the candle ligh, too much strained on the eyes. Sibling would have petty fights for the best position in the table near the candle.
When I was growing up there were only about 16-17 percent of the household with electricity. At present its about 25-27 percent.
The refregerator were empty. The door was always open to keep the odor and smell out. Parents would go to the public market everyday for fresh food supplies to buy just enough for the day lest they get spoiled and thrown away.
Forget about your favorite sports, TV program or radio drama. When the Angelus bells at 6:00 pm sounds the streets were empty, stores were close, houses were all pitch dark inside. Time to go to bed or make more babies.
Here in the US how many electric clock must be adjusted, how many settings in the digital and electronic washing machine, dish washer, oven, microwave, answering machines, and water heater to be adjusted. Can you imagine the inconvience a thunderstorm brings? You come home with flicking lights in all your appliances and clocks.
Yes, I dread the brownout. I wish you luck.