Whenever I pick up a stack of brand new, uncirculated chips, I will go through them and pick out the one(s) that have a better alignment of the mold to the inlay, or mold to the inserts, or a combination of all three. But I do so because I think they look better. And of course this applies to new, more readily available chips.
When I look at older chips, it is often onsies, and not a box of them. Therefore, I have no cjoice. But when I do have a choice, I will compare these alignments as part of my selection process. But these alignments are not the higher priority in making the selection. A perfectly aligned, but damaged chip will be second to a poorly aligned, and worn chip.
Lastly, unless the manufacturing process of the chip calls for a specific alignment, I would be very hard pressed to even find a chip (out of boxes of them) that have a 12 o'clock alignment on BOTH sides.
Regards, Jim Follis
(Put a chip bounty on this guy's head!)