posted a message about me and have not
answered my response...I am again responding to
your attack on me...I ask that you answer and either confirm that your comments about me were incorrect or provide proof of your accusations.
After reading the post by Gene Trimble I had to take an hour to cool down...the
comments are so ridiculous to be considered laughable.
Gene, lets take your points one by one:
1. you stated that I have a very amount of high end chips
WRONG...I maintain a collection of about 75-100 high-end chips. This can be verified
by numerous collectors who have seen my collection. Plus I have generally carried color copies of my collection to most chip shows to show to other collectors. Generally,
when I buy a new chip, I will review my collection and consider selling any chip that
I am no longer in love with...Why, because that is how I collect, I have no desire to
have a collection of 3000 chips...This is my decision on how to collect.
2. He once had about 100 pages on a web site
WRONG...I have never had a web site and would not even know how to do one. I am
not that computer savvy...notice that my postings don’t include scans of chips because
I still don’t know how to add a scan to the BB.
3. He has a lot to gain from investors being brought into our hobby.
YES...but my gain will be significantly smaller that all most any other high-end collector...I don’t have a large number of chips.
4. Barry mislead the entire membership when he posted on the club BB, concerning
WRONG...the question that was posed on the club BB was whether Ric was a club
member....My response was that he was a friend of mine and was a member of the
club. I don’t feel that it is my responsibility to add a description to a person. Ric is a
friend of mine, Ric favors grading....therefore Barry favors grading. Sorry the argument does not hold water. Henry Garrett is a friend of mine...I guess that makes me doubly
5. Barry was the driving force behind the appointment of our current VP.
WRONG...before his selection as VP, I had never met Ken. It was your good friend
Archie Black who recommended Ken. We, the Board, had an candidate who we were
considering selecting but the over-whelming support from Archie Black and Howdy Herz caused us to change our one on the board had any personal
knowledge of Ken.
6. Barry says he is anti-slab but his vote on a temporary ban does not reflect that.
WRONG...My support against a ban is to provide the ENTIRE membership with the
opportunity to understand this issue. As an elected officer, I service the 2500+ members....I feel that they deserve the opportunity to learn about grading. Additionally,
I believe that a dealer and/or collector has the right to determine what they buy or
7. Barry was the financial backer of the “Official “ chip book.
WRONG...My part was to introduce James/Steve to a print broker. Being that James/Steve would not have the credit with the broker, the broker would only handle the book if it went through my company. My deal with James/Steve was that they had
to provide me with the finances at the time the book would go to press. I would never put my company in potential financial jeopardy. They agreed and I held their funds when the book went to press...It is a good thing for James/Steve that they did not pay the print broker immediately because then when the problem with the pages falling out occurred, I held the money and was able to negotiate with the print broker on James/Steve’s behalf. For all my time and effort I received a free book....I do treasure that book. I have had no other financial involvement in the book, plus I had nothing to do with the contents.
8. Barry has withdrawn financial backing for future issues of the chip book
WRONG...never provided financial was James/Steve’s decision to publish
the book in a different manner.
9. Has anyone ever seen one action that backs up Barry’s stated anti-slab opinion?
Has anyone ever seen one action that backs up YOUR stated opinion that I am