...do this one:
Further down the index there's a short thread
about serial numbers on chips/jetons/plaques. and
why they're there (usually on one side, only). I
can care less, why , but here's one for some of
you mathematicians to play with:
The plaque seen below has two serial
numbers. The obverse (illustrated) is 138, and
the reverse is 38. Piece of cake! Right?
Now, if you feel you're on a roll, do these three:
207/92 - 193/124 - 200/32.
Do we have a pattern/sequence that follows some
BTW, this type of numbering is found on early-18th
and 19th Century gaming pieces (hand engraved) in
a few Central European countries. Some Italian
casinos had such numbering as late a post-WWII,
and I've seen several French examples; pre-WWII.