Greg, reading comprehension is lacking here on your part. I said Jim was civil to you, even gracious, and he was. I said you called people names......brown shirts comes to mind. I don't think you have ANY idea how out of place such a comment is concerning the subject that we are debating. Nazis murdered people who didn't agree with them in very large numbers. Loose usage of language is lazy at best, hurtful at a median level, hateful at worst. If you want to make real comparasions to real actions, use real examples.
In the last two weeks, I received two chips in the mail that were totally unexpected (no charge.) I sent two chips to someone who wasn't expecting them (also no charge.) I sent four antique chips to a collector for what I paid for them. I'm in this hobby for the hobby side of it. Pull the pins on your grenades and throw them at someone else.