For clarification, I have only met a couple of folks whom I would call unsavory but everyone of them have been pursuing the almight dollar to the point that I felt like the chicken in the coop when the fox came in. But their stock has most always been LE's or recent finds of boxes of rare chips. I don't begrudge folks who make the effort to get them and then offer them for sale with a reasonable to folks who can't get there. I like LE's if they hold a special place in my memory. I have the Caesar's magical empire GO I bought because Rick & I went there and had a great time. I have the Income tax day chip from the Four Queens because I liked the artwork. I'm not saying that LE's are inherently bad, just all too often, some people who peddle them are, that is why I stay away from LE's. By and large this hobby is populated with great people who are not out to make an obcene profit - but there are a few who are.