I don't usually gripe about anything and perhaps this isn't a gripe but just frustration. I arrived at Hard Rock this morning with my wife Liz and friend Ralph Myers at about 7:45 AM to obtain the Playmate chips that were to be released at 10:00 AM. There were twelve people in line in front of us, some playing slot machines. By 9:55 there were twenty three people in front of us. I consider these people line jumpers even though they were relatives or friends of the original twelve. Has greed gotten to some of the most outstanding and respected people in the chip community? I won't name names because I do still respect these people.
Warwick, I urge you to consider a first come, first number system similiar to that used in post offices, SW Airlines and stores to prevent this from happening again. Those of us arriving early, and getting a number, might just pass the time by playing the machines or tables. Over 100 people were in line by 9:00 AM who most likely would find some other diversion to pass the time instead of standing in line. Personally, I'd rather be at a craps or black jack table and line up a few minutes before release according to number. This would also prevent the confusion for people trying to eat at the Lucky 7 who saw the line, were not interested in chips but only breakfast, and turned away. It would also clear the two employee service entrances that were constantly being blocked.
I do however, want to compliment the efficiency of the cage employees in getting the chips out to us once they were released.