Angela had one first. My wife loved it and made us get one. 15 hour model, but exceeds expectations! Tivo, which uses a hard drive to digitize the TV channel you are watching, operates under the Linux O/S. You can purposely record a program for later playback on-screen or copy to video tape. Regular use of Tivo records up to 30 minutes of program you are watching and keeps only the latest 30 minutes. If the phone rings, hit pause and return before 30 minutes. Push play, Tivo continues from where you hit pause and also continues to record live. You can catch up to real time by fast forwarding at the commercials or see the end of you program later that everyone else.
Great gizmo! I recommend 30 hour model, as record quality degenerates based on how you use that hard drive. Fill the drive with only four hours of programming, quality is excellent! Fill the drive with 30 hours of programming, look for stop motion, washed out color, grainy quality.
Enjoy, we do.