More bad news coming out of the stock market as prices are falling and corporate earnings are not meeting bean-counter projections. Where should investors turn to protect their new speculative ventures?
Slabbed chips, of course! It's the hottest thing going since sliced bread.... to read some of the posts made further down this bb.
Get in on the ground floor now, before all the good chips are encapsulated in a slab of plastic. Only the nickel chip collector will be left in the dust if you believe the wall street hype investment guys.
The now famous Mr. Garrett was quoted in the current issue of Coin World as saying, "... because of the controversy several people came to my table who (normally) wouldn't have .... I ended up with a better sale than expected". I had to read Henry's quote over and over again several times. To the best of my knowledge, Henry did not sell many slabbed chips (if any) at the very successful Palace Station show. In fact, he put his slabbed chips out of sight because of the backlash he was experiencing from chippers to his table. So my only conclusion is that Henry had a "better sale then expected" possibly because he may have sold a lot of UNSLABBED chips at that show?
Another Florida chipper opinioned in the CW article that "It's going to come (slabbing) whether anyone wants it or not - let the chips fall where they may."
That may be true.... but if Presidential candidate Jim Reilly has anything to do with it .... slabbed chips won't be falling at next year's 2002 International Convention. Wall street investor types will have to visit another guy named Mark a few short blocks away from the 2002 convention site.
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