Hiya Glenn! Nice to have someone who'll weigh in on the issue from your prospective. Others have said slabbing high-end chips might be a good thing but never expand on the topic. What would slabbing an expensive chip do to enhance it's value or protect buyers and sellers? My take is that these slabbers only grade the chip. Simple inspection would tell prospective purchasers what the condition of a chip is. Rarity is the prime factor in determining a chip's value and slabbing doesn't address rarity at all. If only one or two examples of a specific rare chip are available for sale, how will slabbing protect the purchaser? Slabbing doesn't set the price, only the market. I just haven't figured out how slabbing a chip will protect anyone in a sale. TCR and C/W are real guides for the value of a chip don't you think, rather than a grading service? Anyway, would like to hear your view on this part of the discussion.