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The Chip Board Archive 04

Fill in the PUNchline vbg
In Response To: Re:PUNS! BE CAREFULL ()

A communist named Rudolph lived in Moscow. One day the weather turned suddenly awful.

"Oh my goodness," said his wife, "looks like snow."

"Nope," said Rudolph, "it's rain."

"It's definitely snow," yelled the wife.

"Look," he insisted, "___________________________________"

Messages In This Thread

Wednesday Joke of the Day rofl
Re: Wednesday Joke of the Day rofl
Re: Wednesday Joke of the Day rofl
of????????? vbg
Re: of????????? vbg
Fill in the PUNchline vbg
Re: Fill in the PUNchline vbg
Re: Fill in the PUNchline vbg
Re: Fill in the PUNchline vbg
Excellent vbg
Another fill in the PUNchline grin
Re: Another fill in the PUNchline grin
Yeah! vbg
One last one for tonight...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg