>>We set-up the Houston Chapter to serve the "members", not the CCGTCC.
It serves the CCGTCC by serving the CCGTCC's members
>>I would think the proper progression would be the Parent serves the Chapter which serves the member.
That would be one model. Of course in that model, people who are not Chapter members get no service at all.
>>>If we are being used as a recruiter for the parent, why are the Chapters paying annual dues to the CCGTCC?
The Chapter serves as more than just a recruiter. The local Chapter serves the Parent, by providing a outlet for the parents members to meet locally. In the case of specialty Chapters it provides a basis members of the Parent with specialized interests to meet and identify each other.
As to the dues question. I don't know why they require the chapter to pay dues. It may not have been well thought out. One reason to impose a dues requirement would be to avoid the creation of non-functioning chapters. The requirement that dues be paid would at least require that the Chapter have some support (although $20 isn't much). It may also cover the cost of mailing the magazine.